========= CHANGELOG ========= v.0.2.5 - 2017-07-13 -------------------- * Added an example package to illustrate usage * Added documentation * Added tests * Added util module (holds some utility functions for some of the default implementations) v.0.2.4 - 2017-05-27 -------------------- * DownloadStrategy class introduced to break up configuration between the "download" and the "request" * BoundedSemaphore implemented to control number of concurrent requests, removed PriorityQueue implementation * AioDownload class reworked to feature two async methods: - main (entry point for task creation) - request_and_download (coordinates the logic implemented in RequestStrategy and DownloadStrategy) * UrlBundle changed to AioDownloadBundle, some property changes to object * added short hand functions one, swarm, and each to the API v.0.1.1 - 2016-07-04 -------------------- * initial working code release * Python 3.5 * built on top of aiohttp, no other 3rd party dependencies * core classes / concepts: AioDownload, UrlBundle, RequestStrategy * two request strategies: - Lenient (try two times with two two seconds between requests) - Backoff (exponential backoff up to 1 min.) * largely undocumented