:orphan: .. include:: ../README.rst Examples -------- See the *example* package for more basic usages and different ways to configure base objects. Documentation ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 api changelog Indices and Tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` Acknowledgements ---------------- This library leverages |aiohttp_link| to make requests and manage the HTTP session. *aiodownload* is a lean wrapper designed to abstract the asynchronous programming paradigm and to cut down on the coding of repetitive request functions. .. |aiohttp_link| raw:: html aiohttp.ClientSession The public function API for this project was adapted from |simple_requests_link| which utilizes |gevent_link| and |requests_link|. The motivation for reimplementation was to use the native event loop introduced in Python 3. No monkey patching required. .. |simple_requests_link| raw:: html simple-requests .. |gevent_link| raw:: html gevent .. |requests_link| raw:: html requests